Prepare your future now.
Discover the WORKBOOKS that will guide you in your transition out of sport
A series of Workbooks will help you overcome the challenges of transitioning to life after sport. Using targeted exercises, the workbooks will help you
- Strengthen your self-identity
- Develop marketable job skills
- Increase your resilience
- Set realistic and actionable goals
- Establish a framework of support
- Build a professional network to make the transition easier

The Questionnaire will help you identify the key issues, and the right course of action according to your priorities.Your responses will reveal your personal concerns and will indicate the right workbooks for your progression.
Now you have the tools to manage your transition out of sport.
Which workbook is the right one for you?
Download this FREE Career Transition Questionnaire and find out where to begin
Career Transition Workbooks for Professional Athletes
- Athletic Identity
- Self-Awareness
- Well-Being
- Education
- Understanding the world of work
- Goal setting
- Action Plan
- Acceptance that you will retire
- Resilience
- Support Network
- Preparation
- Opportunities
- Career decision making
Career Transition Workbooks
You can benefit from comprehensive packages that provide access to the workbooks and exclusive coaching from Julie.
- The Premium Package gives you access to all the workbooks AND personal live video coaching from Julie for one hour every month. As an experienced career coach, Julie will offer support, attention, and structure to your transition. She will help you identify clear and specific goals, build your resilience and be an objective sounding board to help you identify future opportunities. Working with Julie will help you move on confidently and successfully to the next phase of your life.
- The standard Monthly Package gives you access to all the workbooks AND four personal emails from Julie answering your questions.
- If you prefer, you can purchase each workbook individually or benefit from a special offer Buy 2 Get 1 Free.
Whatever you choose, start TODAY.
Please note these workbooks will take you to our sister site
Choose one of our 13 workbooks to start your transition out of sport TODAY
Special Offer
Buy any 2 workbooks from our catalogue and get your 3rd one free
Monthly subscription giving you access to all 13 workbooks as well as up to 4 monthly emails with your questions to Julie
Monthly subscription with access to all 13 workbooks and monthly personal 1-hour video coaching session with Julie
* You may cancel your subscription at any time.
You don’t want to be caught off guard when your playing career finally ends.
Julie Schladitz is an experienced career coach for athletes and the author of the book “Career After Sport: Career planning guidelines to help you move on.” The workbooks are adapted from the book that has helped many athletes transition to a successful career after sport. Julie understands that retiring from playing sport professionally can feel overwhelming. Her work focuses on helping athletes feel confident about what to do next in their lives.
If you want to discuss the workbooks and your career progression you can contact Julie directly here or call her on +41 79 628 4047.